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E6K takes off : Breaking ground on our tech and digital training campus!

BE Charleroi Transformation Tri Postal A6 K E6 K Vue K 240528

Charleroi, October 2, 2024 - Kick-off of the work for the deployment of A6K-E6K, the largest innovation and technology training center in Wallonia, located in the heart of Charleroi, and supported by the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR). Construction work on the new 20,000 m² building that will host the E6K hub, dedicated to technological and digital training, has begun.

This project enters the realization phase, made possible by the right of emphyteusis granted by SNCB, the collaboration between Sambrinvest, the project's lead, and Igretec, which carried out the studies, awarded the construction contracts on behalf of A6K and E6K, and designed the entire architecturally open and eco-designed project.

To provide a unique environment conducive to creation and development, the scaling up of the future largest tech hub in the country has been designed to meet the specific needs of technology companies, researchers, entrepreneurs, and training operators.

BE Charleroi Transformation Tri Postal A6 K E6 K Vue F 240528
View from Charleroi Station rail

An exemplary building

As explained by its designers, this is the most complete and ambitious low-carbon project ever designed by Igretec: circularity and biobased materials, maximum greening, decarbonized energy mix… It is the combination of multiple technical choices that make this vast construction an exemplary project in terms of environmental and sustainability aspects, fully respecting the "Do No Significant Harm" (DNSH) principle.

Circularity – Retaining the large postal sorting building for rehabilitation is a first step taken to limit waste production and preserve existing resources. Circularity is one of the foundations of this project: it will be exemplified by reusing the blue stones from the facade to create on-site plinths, surroundings, or urban furniture. The recovered concrete will also be crushed for the foundations of new buildings. Everything that can be reused will be, notably in special techniques.

Biobased materials – For the new construction, Igretec's design office chose a wooden caisson envelope containing wood fiber insulation. The outer facade coating will be made of raw earth, a material that absorbs CO2 during its drying phase.

Green Line – The facade that runs along the railway tracks and faces Charleroi's ring viaduct will be lined with a terraced garden nearly 300 meters long, also accessible to building users: trees, native climbing plants, and other vegetation will form a natural backdrop and a green and cool buffer zone, both a solar screen and a CO2 capture element. This long green line will extend along the southwest facade welcoming tourists and commuters and along the north facade of the E6K building, on the Sambre side, for almost 200 meters. The surroundings of the project will be extensively greened. These various interventions also aim to support urban biodiversity.

Decarbonized energy mix – The choices made for the new construction and the rehabilitation of the existing building contribute to reducing energy consumption. In addition to the positive effect of the green line helping to lower the building temperature, the entire complex will be "gas-free." Roofs will be equipped with 1,000 solar panels, and heat generated by activities (including a data center and a supercomputer) will be recovered through heat exchangers. An underground energy artery will connect A6K and E6K. Furthermore, taking advantage of the nearby Sambre River, the site will integrate Belgium's largest aquathermic installation (see inset).

Discover the infrastructure evolution in 3D here, in the video:

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Positive urbanity

Transforming the site into an attractive city entrance is the vision defended by Igretec architects, in line with the metamorphosis of the esplanade, bus station, and banks of the Sambre.

For the former sorting center, the current monolithic appearance is coming to an end. On the esplanade side of the station, the structure will open up into a covered passage crossing the building from west to east. On the Sambre quay side, another opening in the facade will offer a view towards the footbridge spanning the river to connect the architectural ensemble with the lower city, opposite Quai 10.

The building will thus be made permeable to pedestrian traffic, its surroundings will be tree-lined, and greening will penetrate the entire interior gallery, open to the public, where workshops in operation will be visible to passersby.

The interior layout will respect the building's soul and its industrial character marked by its three-dimensional red metal structure. As for the facades, they will be brightened by the installation of a white metal mesh, a second skin enveloping the building and playing with light.

The new building for E6K will also be clad in a light metal mesh, serving as a sunshade and a support for plantings. Inside, priority will be given to visible natural materials like wood.

Charleroi Transformation Tri Postal A6 K E6 K Vue A 230915
View from Quai 10

Upcoming steps

The construction of the E6K infrastructure that has just begun will be followed by the renovation work for A6K in a few weeks. The entire 60,000 m² complex, located between the city and the rail tracks, will be completed by fall 2026.

During the entire construction period, activities will continue.

At the end of the process, the renovated A6K building will offer a total gross area of over 40,000 m², with an investment of €31,596,000 (excluding VAT). The new E6K construction on the adjacent slab will cover nearly 20,000 m², for an amount of €43,632,000 (excluding VAT).

This totals €75,228,000 (excluding VAT) for the work, funded under the PRR, to which €11,572,000 (excluding VAT) will be added for the development of A6K's activities.

In a few figures, A6K – E6K also means:

  • 10 km of ventilation ducts
  • 28 air handling units
  • 18 km of piping
  • 4,000 luminaires
  • 1,500 DATA outlets
  • 2,800 electrical outlets

Making Charleroi a driver of reindustrialization

Launched just over five years ago in the former Charleroi postal sorting center, the A6K-E6K hub's mission is to stimulate the growth of tech and digital players by colocating their activities in a single emblematic and unifying location.

Currently, A6K brings together over 80 organizations, including industrial companies, start-ups, research centers, universities, and training operators. Its E6K training campus offers a hundred tech and digital training programs, attracting several thousand learners each year.

Thanks to this major project, A6K/E6K will be able to quadruple its area and increase from 1,000 to 10,000 learners per year starting in 2026. The ambition is clear: to put Charleroi and Belgium on the European reindustrialization map!


According to the Minister-President of Wallonia, Adrien Dolimont, "Today, the industry is undergoing transformation, and the successive crises of recent years have initiated this new trend. Wallonia has seized this opportunity and assumes it daily in its decisions. We are a land of welcome for entrepreneurs, and the Government is working to make this slogan a reality. The Recovery Plan must be a development tool, and this project to renovate and extend the A6K-E6K hub ticks all the boxes."

According to Thomas Dermine, Secretary of State for Recovery and Strategic Investments, "this project perfectly illustrates our ambition to make Charleroi a key player in European reindustrialization, while addressing sustainability and technological training challenges to prepare the future of our young people and our businesses."

Paul Magnette, Mayor of Charleroi, emphasizes: "this major project embodies our vision of a city looking to the future, resolutely engaged in the digital and ecological transition, and will make our city an innovation hub while training thousands of talents in digital and technology each year. Charleroi is positioning itself as a central player in reindustrialization in Europe, capable of attracting talent and supporting the growth of innovative companies. We are proud to participate in this project that restores our city's role as an economic engine and center of excellence."

Aquathermy: the largest installation in the country

The A6K-E6K complex will be mainly heated and cooled by aquathermy. While a few installations already exist on a national scale, the A6K-E6K project, thanks to its volume and strategic location, will include Belgium's largest aquathermic installation!

This technology involves using surface water to help heat the building in winter and cool it in summer through a water-to-water heat pump that draws the necessary heat directly from the watercourse.

Compared to air-source heat pumps, the main advantage is to take advantage of the relative stability of river temperatures (higher than ambient air temperature in winter and lower in summer). For the Sambre River in winter, the lowest annual temperature is between 2 and 6°C, which remains relatively high due to upstream industrial activities. Therefore, performance is increased, and electricity consumption is reduced. It is estimated that aquathermy installations' efficiency is 20 to 30% higher than that of a classic heat pump installation.

This energy resource is also renewable and sustainable. By recovering heat from the water, the project will positively impact the river's ecosystem:

  • Maintaining a cooler temperature is favorable for native species.
  • The process also generates better water oxygenation, beneficial for species diversity and limiting algae proliferation.

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